Friday, June 3

19 of the things I must do before I die (or want to to do, depending on the thing and God's will for me):

1. Read every word of the Bible.

2. Lead my lost relatives to the saving faith.

3. Fall in love with an incredible man.

4. Marry an incredible man.

5. Actually be done with Mr. Pulliam's class.

6. Go back to Canada and remember the beauty of God.

7. Kill as many bugs as my time allows.

8. Plant a vineyard.

9. Sit at a bonfire and sing Kombaya in a circle holding hands.

10. Learn how to surf.

11. Find the cure for allergies.

12. Sunbathe for 3 days straight with nothing else on the calendar.

13. Write a book and have it published.

14. Give a speech to an audience bigger than 2000 and make them all cry.

15. Have kids. (yes I know, but hey, I really do want kids)

16. Go to a coffee grove and make a memorial. (just kidding)

17. Have a couples party (when I am a couple) and have every drink out of my matching glasses collection.

18. Memorize 5 books of the New Testament.

19. Love people more than I love Becca.


At 6/04/2005 9:09 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Some of those goals are pretty good, some seem kinda outta reach, and others just seem weird. lol Keep it ril! ;D

At 6/04/2005 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for it, girly! And have fun!


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