Tuesday, June 14

As Promised (a more encouraging and inspiring post that is)

Good evening all. I just got out of our pool. No, we don't have a normal body of water in our pateo like normal pool owners. We have a blown up, blue, circle of a thing sitting at the side of our yard. The kids are in it all the time. Anna decided it needed new water today, and I only swim in it when the water is fresh. Otherwise, it's rather, discolored and such.

I would like to give a breif review on the movie The Phantom of the Opera. I did not know whether I would like the movie or not, but it is a very good film. The sotry is a dramtic tale is a picture of beauty, suffering, and love. I would like to know what my readers thought of it. Most people have seen it, and for those of you who have not, please ask and I will let you borrow my DVD.

I have often wondered where we all will be in ten years. Sometime, I will write down on my questions, prodictions, feelings, longings, desires, hopes, reqirements, dreams, and all things else, in a little place and look at it in ten years. I just want to know if... say, Margaret will end up with the kind of man I think she will, or if it will be a totally different situation than I had assumed. Yes, well... in ten years, we shall see. That is of course if we aren't all in Heaven. In which case, things will be different.

Ok I just got a phone call so, I need to go. I will prolly get on again later.


At 6/14/2005 10:14 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

Phantom of the Opera is a great movie. Critics blew it on this one. The movie just rocks. The picture is great, the acting awsome and I actually liked the music. It is a necessary movie for people to see.

At 6/14/2005 10:20 PM, Blogger Becca said...

Agreed. David, I like what you have to say about that movie. Could you ask some of the people at cram what they think and have them post on here too? If you do that would be wonderful.

At 6/15/2005 7:09 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

I have yet to see it but you already know that. So... *shrugs*

At 6/15/2005 8:55 AM, Blogger Becca said...

Yes, I did, but you can borrow it or something.


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