Saturday, June 4

I don't know if I can make it...

I was planning on doing an allnighter. I have 2 more papers to get done. I did finish one of them though, and I did write 15 more thank you notes. I also worked on some weird stuff for summer. Anyways the point is that it is 1. I am drinking coffee like it's life-support. Ok so maybe it is.

I just want to say that though no one in the world will comment on this tonight, it brings me comfort to know that I can at least tell someone. I mean, everybody as been a sleep around here for hours now. I feel like I am in some sort of silence chambor. The thing is that I am used to this because all year I have stayed up doing crazy stuff and not talked to anybody. The difference is that no one has sent me an email since like 3 and I need some sort of communication in order to keep myself motivated to stay awake.

Ok I am done now.


At 6/04/2005 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wrong, I'm posting tonight. I will also e-mail you. I already have the box open and have come up with a whitty greeting. Keep up the hard work.


At 6/04/2005 1:12 AM, Blogger Becca said...

Thank you. I was about to again about how Kex got up and I did have some socail interaction. Then I realized that I have been the only person posting and commenting on my own blog all evening. Which sorta means I am talking to myself.

At 6/04/2005 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, I talk to myself constantly. Sometimes, I'll be having a past or a future conversation in my head and I won't realize and I'll start speaking out loud. Most of the time people aren't around, but when people are, it is quite embarassing. Ok, going to do some reading now. Keep pressing on,


At 6/04/2005 1:34 AM, Blogger Becca said...

Ok, I think my typing errors get progessivly worse when I drink coffee and stay up late. Let me rewrite the first sentence in my last comment:

"I was about to post again about how Kez got up and I did have some socail interaction."

Thank you John. My mother teases me about talking to myself. She just doesn't understand.

At 6/04/2005 1:43 AM, Blogger Steve said...

Dude I do the same thing. I will be thinking about a conversation in the past and will suddenly start saying the things that were said and it scares me when I realize that I have been talking. Thankfully I haven't done it when people are around.

At 6/04/2005 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, so a couple of days ago at work I was standing there and I burst out laughing, completely randomly. The dude standing next to me was like, "wtf?". I had a random thought about something that was really funny and I couldn't hold in the laughter. Yeah, that was embarassing.


At 6/04/2005 2:45 AM, Blogger Becca said...

It's almost 3 and I am DONE with all papers due for now. I am so happy I can hardly speak. Even to talk to myself. :P

At 6/04/2005 9:05 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

I've repeated myself thinking on a past convo myself. It was weird. I almost do the movements to them... Like shaking the head or something... Even more weird. Thankfully, it only happens when I'm by myself.

At 6/04/2005 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you, dear Beccas. And very proud of you, too. Go you!

I'm sorry I wasn't able to be a part of your little conversation last night--I was up, but my parents always shut down the computer when they go to bed, and I would have woken them up if I would have turned it back on and used it. Sounds like you had fun anyway!

At 6/05/2005 3:03 PM, Blogger Katie said...

I post to myself when no one comments. It's better than nothing


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