Friday, June 17

hanging out again...

So, I am working today. But this work is way better. Because, although the boys demand more attention than any 2 or 5-month-old around, they don't take as much work as 1000 costumers per hour. Anyway, I will be here from 6:30-5:00 and would love to talk to people, so stay aroud home and I will try to get ahold of you or something.

There's really nothing of great interest for me to write of. I feel like I have nothing exciting to tell or speak on because all I do is the same sort of things over and over again and that can get rather dull for the readers and for me to always be harping on. Hummmm.....

It is a gorgeous day outside. When I woke up at 6 I thought surely it was later than that since the sun was shining so bright. Thankfully for me, I was mistaken, but it still is beautiful beyond compare. Hey, do any of you remember Brian Hudson talking about beauty and how it related to the Christian walk and life? It's like his passion I think, because just about everytime I have ever heard him speak his main thesis has been related to beauty, and the lack thereof. Sometimes I wonder how unspeakably breathtakingly awe-inspirering the garden of Edon must have been. God does "paint" the sunrise every morning, but, he actually fashioned that very garden with His hands. If I think this fallen world is beautiful, how greater still must Heaven be?! God lives there. His presence surely demands for some sort of glory that I can't even imagine. I don't know, but... I do know this, someday, I am going to be there.

Well, I should prolly go check on these little boys. I will talk with you all later. Please enjoy your days, summers whatever. Don't forget to admire the beauty that God has so thoughtfully and lovingly given us. Live for the King.


At 6/17/2005 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, you know those car commercials (I think Nissan) where there little slogan is, "inspiration comes standard." That's sort of how Rebekah is. When you aren't around her for a couple days, you kind of lose motivation and a positive outlook on life, but then you come back in contact and are reminded what this is all really about. Though I take pride in my flattering skills, I do not intend this as flattery, just the truth. Anyhow, I'm out. Have a fantastic night.


At 6/18/2005 7:59 AM, Blogger Becca said...

Well, thank you Mr. John Magill. I hope that you are having a good time. We are trying to enjoy life here as well.


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