Saturday, June 18

I was wondering...

Tomorrow is a day set apart. Tomorrow is a day that is the Sabbath day. Tomorrow is a day that the Lord of Heaven and of earth has hallowed. Tomorrow is a day for rest from the work that we have done. Tomorrow is a day to be given God as a specail day, a day different from all others. Tomorrow, I go to worship my God and my King. We shall worship together. God in His awesome way, decided that it was best for His children to praise and glorify Him with one voice 1/7 of their earthly lives.

In the days of old children were required to recite the main points of the 4 hour-long sermons. I was thinking, it would be a cool idea to have a blog discussion on what we all hear/learn/observe in worship tomorrow. We can speak of insights the pastor made. Or, perhaps we can encourage eachother by quoting scripture that God brought to our attention. Comment on what you will, I just thought that on this Lord's day we could take specail care share some secrets of our hearts.

I was glad, to hear them saying, to the Lord's house let us go!

Come worship the Lord with me, let us exhault His name together.


At 6/19/2005 3:10 PM, Blogger Charity said...

Pastor Keddie prached on Acts chpt. 20. It was about spreading "The Whole Counsel of God". He challenged us to remember why God gave us His Word (That we might love Him and live in Him) and to share it with other's. I'll try to give you some quotes from my notebook later. It's upstairs right now and I'm getting off so i can't write them right now. Maybe I will later tonight.

At 6/19/2005 4:11 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

Yes it is also Father's day.

At 6/20/2005 3:08 AM, Blogger Nick said...

Well, if you read my blog, it has some comments from the church here's sermon from yesterday.


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