Tuesday, March 14

"Finally, let me speak to those who do pray.

Let nothing at all discourage you. You may often feel great discouragement. Your times of prayer may be times of conflict. But this is quite common, for the devil hates to see you pray. So you much go on. Let me then offer you so words of brotherly advice about your prayers.
-Remember the importance of reverence and humility in pryaer. Think of who God is, and who you are.
-Remember the need you have of the Holy Spirit's help in prayer, and be careful not to let your praying become a mere formality.
-Remember how important it is to pray regularly. You must see prayer as one of the most important activities of each day, and time for prayer must be built into your daily routine.
-Remember the importance of perservering in prayer. You will often be tempted to neglect your pryaers, or to cut them very short. This always comes from the devil, no matter how plausible the reasons for doing so might seem.
-Be earnest in prayer. It is "fervent" prayer which achieves much (James 5:16)
-Remember the importance of praying with faith. We must believe that if we ask according to God's will our prayers will be answered (Mark 11:24). You must expect answers to your prayers.
-Consider the importance of boldness in your prayers. I do not mean an improper familiarity, but arguing with God on the basis of His own Word and promise.
-Remember the importance of asking God for much. How often it is true of believers that they "do not have because they do not ask" (James 4:2).
-Be specific in prayer. Confess your specific sins; pray for your specific weaknesses tell God your specific needs.
-Remember the importance of praying for others. Beware of letting your prayers become narrow and self-centered.
-Be thankful in prayer. We have much to be thankful for, and I dare not call any prayer a true prayer if thankfulness has no part in it.
-Finally, let me remind you of the need for watchfulness over your prayers. True Christian experience begins in prayer; it flourishes in prayer; and it decays with the deglect of prayer. Prayer is a kind spiritual pulse-by it you may know weather you are spiritually healthy. Be watchful over your prayer life, and I shall be very surprised if anything goes very seriously wrong with your spiritual progress."
J. C. Ryle Walking with God

I have been learning a lot about prayer, and I am really excited about what J. C. Ryle says about it. He reminds us of the importance of prayer and challenges us to be diligent and careful. Prayer is really powerful and to finish up with one last quote...
"Diligence in prayer is the secret of eminent holiness."


At 3/25/2006 4:09 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Thank you for posting all this wonderful advice about prayer.



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