Sunday, December 16

A Day of Rest

Here I sit in my “Sunday Best” with fresh hot coffee next to me. My phone is charging so that when I call my family this afternoon I can talk to anyone and everyone. It’s snowing outside and Lisa was afraid to drive so Mr. Joseph is coming to get us which is kind of him. I’m glad I get to go to church.
I love the Lord’s day. I love waking up and realizing that it’s a day of rest. I love getting my eyes off myself, off my studies, off my issues and focusing them on Christ… for a whole day. God knew what He was doing when He blessed the Lord’s Day. He knew that we needed to take a day for Him. According to my Psychology text book studies show that the human body was programmed to rest 1/7 of their waking hours. They mentioned that though this could be spread out over several days, taking one day to rest is the most fulfilling. Don’t you love when it when non-believers find proof of God’s love? He knew that I would do better on my finals if I take today for Him. He knew that we get so caught up in our work the other six days that it’s difficult to truly focus on Christ. He knew that if we gathered together as a body of believers we would be encouraged. He knew that if we heard His word proclaimed and His songs sung we would be that much more eager to serve Him. God knew.
Enjoy your Sabbath rest.


At 12/18/2007 6:41 AM, Blogger Charity said...

The Lord's day is a wonderful day. I don't know how people can do without it. Afterall, God designed it for us!

I hear you're not getting home until Wednesday. So I guess you're not done with finals yet! I'll be praying for you!

At 12/18/2007 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the past I have had a hard time with how a mom can have a Sabbath rest. There is always so much to do. But I have come to realize that the Sabbath rest for a mom is during worship. To be able to focus on the Lord surrounded by the body of believers knowing your little ones are being taken care of is one way to rest on the Sabbath.

I hope you make it home tomorrow and do not have to wait until Thursday. I love you and I am praying for these last two finals. God is Faithful and all sustaining.

At 12/20/2007 11:34 PM, Blogger Alex said...

You are right. Maybe I should start doing that. This semester. I think it would help me to just take a day off and focus on the Lord instead of being all stressed out. Good plan Becca, good plan. God did know what he was doing after all! What do ya know?! Haha. By the way...I am going to church with you when we get back. At least once..Maybe more. :-) I love you and I miss you!


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