Saturday, February 23

Things on my mind...

I’m sorta working on school. As you may know I’m home right now because it’s our “spring” break. Sadly, I’ve been sick so my entire break has been spent in bed. Actually Mom and I went out tonight. We got caught up which was lovely. I miss her when I’m at school. I know everyone misses their Mom, but I miss her double because she my Mom and the most amazing person I know. *Thanks for the coffee and the talk Mom*

Ok, you know how I left my phone charger at school when I was home for Christmas (five weeks) well this time I left my computer cord. Yeah, really smooth move considering that I brought home about 8 hours worth of homework home with me. *Sigh* One of these days Rebekah is going to get her life together, until then thanks for loving her.

I’ve been learning so many things. God has sent me surprises lately. Tarah and I had a lovely trip to Indy. I’m really thankful for my funny little friend. *I love you Tarah* I'm looking forward to our trip back to Grove City.

These next few weeks at school are going to be intense. I’m nervous because the challenge will require me to give 100% but if I walk with the Lord I should hear is command “Be strong and courageous… for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” I have nothing to worry about. I need to learn to stand in awe of His awesome might.

Educational Psychology is a very interesting class. We have to analyze classroom scenarios and evaluate them according to various theories. It gets me excited about being a teacher. I find people intriguing. I am fascinated by what “makes a person tick”. My students are going to have very different backgrounds. Some of them will know love and some of them will not. My students may know Jesus already, but I’m guessing many of them will get their first glimpse of Him when they see Him in me. It’s a scary thought, but a very motivational one. I don’t know where I’ll teach. I don’t know what kind of students I will have, but I know that God will be with me, and I know that they will be needy kids with a intense craving for love. I also know that I’m praying for them. God may already be preparing their hearts for my classroom.

He is a big God and if we’re willing He has a plan for us. I’m working on being willing.

Well, I should get back to work. Enjoy your weekend, especially the Lord’s day.

Proverbs 22
"The rich and the poor meet together;
The Lord is the Maker of them all." vs. 2

"The reward for humility and fear of the Lord
is riches and honor and life." vs. 4

"Do not rob the poor, because he is poor,
or crush the afflicted at the gate,
for the Lord will plead their cause
and rob of life those who rob them." vs. 22-23


At 3/01/2008 7:54 PM, Blogger Monica said...

Okay, am I not just so excited to find that you have a blog!! I can now relive my college day vicariously through you:)

I hope your break at home was refreshing and yes, I agree, that your mom is one of the greatest ladies alive.


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