Monday, January 21

I just found out...

Today I checked my mail today (eager for graded papers from last semester) and found a envelope from the Central Blood Bank of Pennsylvania. They thanked me for giving blood, last September, and told me that my blood type was O+. I did a little research and although O- is the best as far as donating goes because everyone, no matter their blood type, can use O- blood, there can be complications with multiple pregnancies. When a mother is O- and the baby has a different blood type than her, than she can develop antibodies to the fetus. I don't exactly understand exactly how it works, but I'm glad that I'm not O- because from what I've gathered it means more shoots and a little more to be concerned about when one enters motherhood. O+ is the second more versatile blood type, which is great. I find it all very interesting and I'm really glad that I know my blood type. I plan on giving blood as soon as the opportunity arises.

Well I've attend two of my six classes. World History 2 is going to be hard, but wonderful. We love Dr. Graham. Biblical Revelation is awesome! I'm going to start working on my paper today. The hardest part is going to be picking a topic. I love the Bible and pretty much anything that has to do with it, so writing a thesis paper on really any part of the Bible will be fantastic.

I have two more classes today: Educational Psychology and Spanish 102. They are going to be a it harder I think. Generally speaking I think this semester is going to be involved but not difficult. I don't think any of my classes are going to be hard to understand but rather they are going to require a good deal of time and determination. I'm really looking forward to this semester.

I plan on working somewhere. Making money is generally a good plan. I tried to pursue something year but I didn't follow through. This time it's not an option. I think I'll get working on that right away.

I'm really thankful to the Lord for this day. On the way here Elaine and I were talking about how important it is to view each day as the one day that God has given. The past and future are in His hands (and the present too) but the present it what He has set before us to spend "as we wish". When I woke up this morning I immediately prayed "Jesus, thank you for this day. May it be the best day, and may I consider You in all things." If I begin every day that way for this entire semester it will make all the difference. He is a mighty King and He wants to use people who are willing to do what He has asked. Let us be willing.

Well, I'm going to go. May God bless you and keep you. Surrender all to Him. He is a kind and careful Lord.


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