Wednesday, March 26

Life and such

Break has been lovely. I’ve gotten caught up with family and friends, so the next seven weeks shouldn’t be too bad. I’m ready to get back to work. I need to really concentrate on my schoolwork. The last few weeks before break were horribly hard but that was because all my midterms and papers were due at the same time. It won’t be that way anymore. Thanks for praying for me. I know at least some of you were, and I really appreciate it.

Luke, Beth, Anna and I are all driving to Pennsylvania on Monday. Luke got accepted to Grove City, and he’s going to be there this fall. I’m really excited to be out there with him. He’s an awesome guy and I’m so thankful that God is giving us some extra time to get close and hang out.

I did my first public school observation on Thursday and it was incredible. I loved being in the school. I visited Ms. Townsend’s 7th grade Social Studies class at North View Middle school. I’m learning how to be a teacher, and watching her renewed my passion. She had me grade her quizzes and it was interesting because grading takes a long time. I’m beginning to catch a glimpse of what teaching requires. I am excited. God knows what He’s doing, and I’m glad.

We have seven weeks until the end of the semester which means we are just past half way. I’m looking forward to improving some grades, picking up another work shift, maintaining a workout schedule, enjoying some fun times with friends, and getting to know my Risen Lord through faith. I’ve learned lately that Jesus really wants me to give myself 100% to task. I enjoy coasting on about 60%. I like to think I’m multitasking but I’m usually just being lazy. These next few weeks the goal is to be all there all the time. You know what I mean?

Ok I’m going to head to bed. Jesus Christ is risen. It is no small thing that He died for us, and that He lives. Just think, our Lord concurred death. No one can do that, but He did. I know that my Redeemer lives!

Oh, really quick, I’ll try to do better at posting. Sorry.


At 3/29/2008 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a plan... remember the people around you and don't focus so much on the events as the people... you and I have that tendency... all in the name of doing what we know to be best.

I have been thinking lately about our responsibility to fellow Christians... to watch out for them, to lead them down the path of righteousness, to not get them off track with foolish talk... it is a big responsibility... it reminds me of being a mom.

Have a wonderful day lovely daughter of mine. I love you.


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