Monday, March 3

Rebekah's Prayer

Heavenly Father,
You are God and you have made this glorious creation. Thank you for the order and beauty of the world. Lord you have given each of your people a task to fulfill for the kingdom's sake. Right now you have placed me in college to learn. You are preparing me for a life of service. Lord God I am overwhelmed with the load of work I have before me this week. My exams and papers seem to be stacked up against me as a reminder of my weakness and dependence on you alone. Lord please get me through and may I be more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. I know that my grades play a insignificant part in the eternal spectrum. Yet I know that you require me to give 100% to my work so that you may be glorified. Please help me to run this race with my eyes on Jesus Christ. Thank you for being with me and for sustaining me through every moment of my life. Lord I am reminded that my days are numbered, therefore may this day be lived to the fullest for Jesus' sake. Lord please bless each of your children today. May we live out the truth of the Gospel so that men may see and come to you know the only true God. Lord thank you for loving me and filling my heart with an inexpressible joy.
In the name of the Perfect One who died on our behalf Jesus the Christ I pray.


At 3/09/2008 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You should read this every morning... especially test days. It is a great example of the balance between our responsibilities and God's grace.

You are special Becca. God is good.

At 3/09/2008 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way I think this is also a good prayer for the summer. As a parent you never want to block a blessing for your child.

The camp out east sounds like a true blessing from the Lord. We will continue to pray God will use you in the lives of the kids God brings your way this summer. I hope the leadership out there is able to direct you and help you on your path.

Love you, Mom


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