Wednesday, April 9

Rebekah got caught in the rain

Rebekah’s skirt danced around her legs as she packed up her books and materials to take to the Hall of Arts and Letters. She drew in a deep breath of Cinnamon Vanilla nut coffee, and a smile played across her lips because the scent brought back memories of Christmas break and Scrabble with Margaret. She had noticed the dark clouds in the sky from her dormitory window but she didn’t grab her umbrella. She didn’t see the rain.

In her bulging flower bag she carried various folders and envelopes along with her computer. In the hall a few girls commented that their class was canceled due to wet weather. Rebekah laughed on the inside at the thought of class being called off on the account of spring rain. How lovely! As she approached the door she realized God was watering His earth. The question, “should I run for it?” played with her adventurous side and she decided to dash to class. Within a fraction of a second she was drenched. Her right hand gathered the flowing skirt and held it up. In her left hand was the precious coffee mug while her left arm she tried to protect the contents her open bag.

The rain fell and quickly ran through her hair and down her cheeks. Rebekah smiled up at heaven and thanked her Father for the mini adventure to class. People sorta laughed as they incountered the running girl with a huge skirt, stuffed flower purse, and well balanced coffee mug. It’s ok for people to laugh at her. She was in love and she was enjoying the special attention that Jesus was giving her today. He knows she loves the rain. He likes fill her heart with love for Him.

She got to class and the teacher asked if it was raining outside. Rebekah smiled, “yes, it was. Because He is taking care of me along with His beautiful world.”

Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyer!He covers the heavens with clouds; he prepares rian for the earth; he makes grass gorw on the hills. Psalm 147:7-8


At 4/12/2008 8:30 AM, Blogger Charity said...

dayou make me smile. :) I want to visit you.

At 4/12/2008 8:31 AM, Blogger Charity said...

oops...don't know how the "da" got on there.


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