Monday, January 30

Just a Life to Live

She sits in her car with a pink pig in her lap. The five dollar bill stuffed in her pocket will come in handy when she passes Starbucks on her way to work. She drives pass people. Hundreds and hundreds of people see her for put a moment, and then her life will fade into the meaningless cosmos. She looks through her foggy mirror and wonders about life.

"What does it matter? I travel here and there living a life, but it's just a life."
Her young face tenses up, and she wishes she could know the thousands of answers to the thousands of questions that pound through her brain. She wonders if those people feel lost. She wonders if they are hurting. She doesn't see them as a mass of advanced manuals. The girl sees him and her, him and her and the little content child holding his Mon's hand to cross the street. She wonders if he'll make in across the street of life. "Will his works bear weight on the eternal scale? Will he claim the name of Christ Jesus as Savior?"

She drives by, and begins to ponder the worth of life. She is a girl who loves. She begins to wonder though, “what is it really worth.” Life is so short, and she has only begun to influence the lives of a few. She wonders if her life really is of lasting significance. She has known in her heart that God is God and she is saved by the blood of the Lamb. She turns left at the long stop light. Her heavy blonde hair gently sways as her body moves with the car. The girl is just a girl. She has just a life to live. Yet, a hopeful smile graces her lips as she thinks to herself, "Even if I die tomorrow, and my influence remains microscopic in the sight of the world at large, that's ok. Really, the only thing I do that is of any value is bring glory and honor to Jehovah the Living God." The smile only grew as she thought about how simple her task on earth really is. She has just a life to live for her God. She just needs to abide in Him and His Word, and she will be fulfilling her purpose on this earth.

As she entered the coffee shop she her smile fell. The man behind the laptop glanced up at her, he was prolly waiting for someone else, she thought. The makeup masked woman sitting in the black leather chair looked away in disinterest and boredom. The girl wanted to climb atop a sturdy table and begin tell them of the goodness life could hold. She wanted to urgently proclaim the necessity of their bowing before the Lamb. She wished she could take the time to assure their hearts.

Friends, life is too short to be concerned about what the world thinks of us. We have just a life to live, and our purpose should so permeate our every action, that the men and women who see us, if nothing else, begin to wish that they knew the answers the thousands of questions whirling around in their heads, because they see peace in our smile and countenance.

The girl got back in her car. She drove away. She will most likely never again see the man behind the laptop, or the disinterested woman sitting the black chair. The thought crossed her mind as she was turning left again at the stop light, "they will be there on the last day. The man won't have his laptop, the woman won't look disinterested, and the little boy will be there too."

She was right. They will answer before our Maker, along with the girl. The thought brought tired tears to her blue eyes. She has just a life to live. She will live it, and she will please Him. She will not change the world, but if she herself only changes to be more and more like Him, then she will live the life that is meant for her to live.

Our God is an awesome God

"Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together!"
Psalm 34:3

How are you doing on this peaceful morning? I hope that your body had a sufficient amount of rest. I hope that you have chosen to live this day for our King and His work. I hope that your soul is confident in His truth and steadfast love. I hope that you had an enjoyable day of worship yesterday, and that now you are ready to live out what you proclaimed with your lips before His throne with His people on His day.
I am doing well. I have a Psychology test at 8 this morning, and I am not too excited about it. Yet, I can't complain. The LORD is good and just.
I am determined to have productive week. I want to severely discipline myself in the godly habits of the saints. My prayer is that as I grow I will be molded into a righteous woman before the LORD.
I am reading the story of Joseph. There are several times that the Bible says "and Joseph succeeded in all that he put his hand to, because God was with Joseph." I want to be like Joseph. Even in the midst of really crumby situations he lived to his fullest potential and God blessed him greatly.
I need to get back to studying. I truly hope that this will be an amazing week for God's people. He is good. Let us praise His holy name.

Thursday, January 26


*The reflection of Becca's hugest smile is popping around in your brain and now you come to realize after a few seconds that it's not necessarily normal to be greeted with such energy before seven in the morning.*

I am trying to be pumped. It's all a choice you know. All I have to do is determine to be excited about life and all that God as in store for me this day. Yesterday I didn't do a very good job of that. It just was not a very wonderful day. I spent the morning reminding myself of basic things like "ok now you need to put your right sock on Becca." Yeah, I talk to myself the most when I need verbal direction from someone and the only person there is myself. It's ok, that's not the way it was this morning.

See, I have been waking up earlier. Two mornings in a row I aroused myself before 5:15 just to do school *bug eyes popping out* I know, I can't believe it either. It's good for me though. Except I don't think it was good yesterday because I felt sickish most the day. Today I feel a bit better, and I am getting a lot of stuff done. It's great.

Ok, don't let my moods fool you. I am always fine. Really, it's all in what I try to remember.

Love is pushing itself out of my soul in effort to reach yours. That's the cool thing about love, it's impossible to keep to myself. The very nature of love is a concern and compassion for other people, not me.

*The reflection of Becca's smile encourages you as you face this day for God.*

Wednesday, January 25

I owe a lot to Mr. Pig

I have this very wonderful stuffed pig. His name is Mr. Pig. He has been my favorite earthly possession since before I can remember. I have fallen asleep with him in my arms since I was just a newborn. Today I took him with me to all my classes. I felt a special need to be loved and protected.

Mr. Pig is the best because he has never told any of my secrets. He is always there for me, and I don’t have to worry about hurting his feelings because he is the more understanding than any little pig I have ever met.

I love him a whole lot. In fact, if I could pick one thing to take with me to heaven it would be him.

Tuesday, January 24

inexpressable joy, and peace that surpasses understanding

It is helpful for me read the Bible out loud when I do my quiet time. I don’t do that very often, but last night the thought occurred to me to try it, and it is awesome.

I am reading through the Bible, so I got done with Matthew a few days ago and then last night I read through Mark chapters 4-5. As I read I was struck with the concept of Jesus Christ as a real historical man. It’s hard for me to always remember that He was real. When I talk with Him today He is real. I understand that, and yet somehow when I read the Bible I find myself thinking of Him as a far off saint who lived and died yes, but is somehow not the same God-Man who I talk with everyday. It’s wrong of me, and somehow reading His words aloud, helped me understand the reality of His life. Mark 5 tells the tale of the little girl who Jesus brought back to life. The text actually says:

“Taking her by the hand He said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.”
(verse 41)

Can you imagine the power in those gentle words?! It says that “they were immediately overcome with amazement.” She lived!

When the father had heard that the girl was dead Jesus said to him, “Do not fear, only believe.” I realized last night that those words were said to him, but written for me. Jesus says, "Rebekah, do not fear, only believe."

It's comforting to learn that I'm not the only one in the history of the man that doubts the very God I claim. It's encouraging to realize that the greatest of saints had their struggles too. Jesus had to say to His disciples: "'Why are you so afraid? Have you still noe faith?' And they were filled with a great fear and said to one another, "'Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"'

There is so much to learn from the Bible. The more I learn the more I wish to learn, and the more I see I don’t understand. He has given us such a gift. The Bible is amazing. There is so much to reap from God’s wisdom. I only wish I would memorize it more, and spending every free moment pondering the concepts presented in it’s many pages.

Sometimes, I am going to read the Bible out loud. It helps me focus better. Somehow hearing the words helps me understand them in a different way.

Saturday, January 21

A Productive Day

It's a Saturday. My little sister is having a Disney Party. She has been very excited about this for a very long time, and now it's actually happening. This day has been very very good. I mean, we have gotten a lot of things done.

Oh, Happy Birthday to Ellie. She is 16, and that is very exciting.

I am going to watch Peter Pan. Yes, my little Christiana is one of the lost boys in the play, and I am going to watch her this evening. I am not super excited about it, but I do want to support her, and plays can be fun.

I have been reading a lot about my garden. I am discovering a whole bunch of things I do wrong. I'ts ok though, because I am but a humble gardener. I don't claim to know much. I am learning.

Ok I need to get off, and I hope to see you all soon.


Thursday, January 19


(That was me yelling at the top of my lungs.)

I have a whole bunch of school to be working on, but it's sorta hard to focus because all the home work I have is due next week. I tend to put off school until I absolutly have to get it done. I need to change my habits. I am sure all of you have that all figured out, so never mind.

I'm going to do better about birthdays this year. I will try very hard to remember your birthday on my blog. If you would like to tell me when your birthday is just to make sure I don't forget, that would great. Happy Birthday Pulliam head. David's the big 18, and rumor has it that now he is allowed to do whatever he wants.

I am going to go get ready to face the day. The world is still beautiful by the way.

Oh, right now we are reading Uncle Tom's Cabin for Mr. Pulliam's class. I'm a little scared because I'm super sensative about slave books/movies etc. For whatever reason it's the most frightening concept to me, that men could treat men that way.

Well, I will chat with you all later. Have a good day. It's worth the effort.

Wednesday, January 18

the snow is beautiful

Ok, I wasn't really wanting it to snow again, but God changed my mind. Driving home from class today was one of the most breath-taking moments of my year. Yes yes it has only been 18 days since the year began (by the way happy 1/6th birthday Johnny Bo, and happy birthday to David tomorrow), but there have been a number of moments that have taken my breath away, and the thick snow placed thickly on the hundreds of bushes and trees. Snow has a way of winning my heart. I really didn't want to fall for it's beauty because I was mad at it. See, some of my bulbs are coming up, and the snow may ruin them, and so I didn't want it to snow. Alas, I found that my attitude was quickly transformed when I glanced outside last night. It's hard to stay mad at something so innocent.
Snow can make the world look pure.
Jesus said that when He saves us hearts look like a land a blanket of snow gracefully wrapped upon it. It's breath-taking.

Monday, January 16

Happy is the Girl who chooses Jacob's God to be her aid!

*Smiling Hugely*
Good Morning.
I hope and pray that on this absolutely gorgeous day your body and soul are not only well acquainted with its/your Creator, but that you find yourself in an intimate relationship. God is so good, and He is to be seen in the sky, and heard of in the meadow.
I am so glad that I didn't have class today. 8:00 am classes just aren't exactly my thing. Though, they are good for me, and I really am happy that I have such a effective way to wake me up in the morning. It's just... nice to have a little break.
I am not going on and on like I have in recent posts. I don't have much to say this morning, but that's ok. A quiet person at least appears wise.
*Still smiling hugely*

Thursday, January 12

good morning

The earth has yet to be greeted by the suns gentle caress on this day. I had forgotten how desperately dark it gets on these winter nights. Remember how in the summer time it's pretty much looking like noon day around 7, but now, the darkness seems to be felt. I don't mind though, firstly a dark morning makes me feel like I got up extra early which always makes me feel productive because that means that I am a good student. More importantly, there's something really beautiful about nightness. It seems creation is more willing to "be still and know that He is God," at night.

I was finishing up C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters last night, and something the demon said to another demon in passing made me ponder, "You will often envy the humans' compassity to sleep." It is a gift isn't it. Now, this book is not fool proof, so I don't know if the devils actually do envy us, but the concept is fascinating. God, before the fall of man, intended for us to sleep. In fact woman was brought into being because of a deep and dream danced sleep. It's a gift, and I don't thank Him enough for it. I mean, sometimes I wish that I didn't need to sleep. Here again is my forgetfulness, because He made me the way He wanted me to be. No, I am by no means claiming perfect, if you have been around me for more than a second and a half you will be completely convinced in the total depravity of man (or woman in this case). What I mean is that, though I am sinful, I still bear His holy image. I don't know, it just seems that God takes pleasure in watching His children sleep, because He made us to do so, and He is our Father. Parents love watching their children sleep peacefully. It's almost as if that is the moment when we, wheather we like/know it or not totally depend on Him and His care. True, He is in just as much control when we are awake or sleeping, but the cares and worries of this world are gone. We surrender, and for a moment retire from our duties and challenges to rest and give it all to Him for a while.

Well, that's all a new idea, and it sounds right, but I am sure you could shot it down with this argument or that one. That's not the point though, I just wanted to say that it's in the odd things like sleep that I forget to thank my God for.

I have some papers to get done for Mr. Pulliam's writing class. I will chat with you all later.

Wednesday, January 11

a wonderful day

I have learned many things this day. Yes, they may be insignificant, but then they may not be. I just want to take a moment to think God for the moon. It's beautiful out tonight. I am going to take a walk and meditate a while on the truth that I know to be true, and yet so often forget. Daddy was talking in family worship tonight about the sin of forgetfulness. He pointed out how frequently God has to repeat Himself in the Bible. How many times does He say that we are His people and He is our God? Yet how often you can find me acting, thinking and talking like I have nothing to do with God. If I could only remember how great He is. Considering that I don't know a fraction of what there is to know about Who He really is, the fact that I forget 98.7% of what I do know on a regural basis, is absolutely unbelievable pathetic.
Well dear friends, take a moment to enjoy the moon this evening. Then remember Psalm 8:

1O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
2Out of the mouth of babes and infants,
you have established strength because of your foes,
to still the enemy and the avenger.

3When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
4what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?

5Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings[b]
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6You have given him dominion over the works of your hands;
you have put all things under his feet,
7all sheep and oxen,
and also the beasts of the field,
8the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea,
whatever passes along the paths of the seas.

9O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!


Good Day,

I hope that you are well. I am. God is so so very good. He has overwhelmed me with His goodness and grace. I will never be able to understand. I'm just happy that He is and will forever be God.

I want to play a game again. We haven't done that in a while. Let's all post something good. It can be about a person, place or thing. At the end of it, you have to thank God for that 'goodness'.

I have a bunch of school to get done. It's been a good day, and it will continue to be. I don't know, sometimes the joy inside just gets me so excited I have to SMILE.

Monday, January 9

a good weekend and an even better week

I had a great weekend. Friday night I spent some quality time with my dear friend Valerie. It was wonderful to catch up and talk just the two of us for a while. Then I went to the guys basketball game and Marge and I get to drive there together by ourselves. This was officaily the first time that I had even been alone driving somewhere with Marge. It was great.
Saturday I had lunch with my good friend David Pulliam. We had a few discussions, naturally, but all in all it was an enjoyable experience. I am going to miss that guy when he goes to Taylor this year.
I just bought these really great garden books at the used book store. When I got home from lunch I read through them and got a whole bunch of new ideas for this spring. I also discovered while doing major research that I need to plant Raspberries in the early winter, so this weekend I did some planting and now I have a row of Raspberries in my garden. *hugely smiling*
Yesterday was an excellent day of worship.
I also have been thinking a lot about college again. I'm almost completely sure that I am going to be a nurse. I've been praying about it a lot and I know that my parents and dear friends have been praying about it too, and I think that's the way God wants to use me. I also found this really interesting school called North Park University of Chicago. Mom and I are going to go look at it this semester. For whatever reason I think that it's going be where I go. I could be really wrong, but... we shall see what God does.

Marian classes started today. I am glad to get back into school. I have so much to learn in so many ways. Remember how awesome God is today. Remember who you are. Remember that it's worth taking the time to care about people. Remember to love.

Friday, January 6

Beauty and the Beast

Last night my friend Laurie and I watched the Beauty and the Beast performance at Marian. It was well done, and very inspiring. It really got me back on my feet. This week has been kind of wild, and watching my absolute favorite story played out on stage was good medicine for my little heart.

I was so happy when it was over I ran to my car singing "Tale as Old as Time..." softly so that no one would hear me and think I was homeschooled. I love that story. Naturally as I sat there I pondered the reason for my devotion to the fairy tale. I think some of it has to do with the truth of it. There are countless parallels between Beauty and the Beast and Christ's Kingdom story.

Consider how it took one sin, one wrong deed and the prince was doomed to a life of utter depravity. Not only did he fall but his entire kingdom with him. Adam too sinned only once, and yet all in his kingdom fell from the royalty we were created in.

Also, the concept of Belle's dreamy heart appeals to any girl. She wants something beyond her life at present. Yet, and this play was the first time I made this connection, she learns at the castle that she must become content in her surroundings before she is every truly happy with life. It's a biblical lesson. Only when we learn to trust the Father with where we are now do we have the ability to enjoy the life we live.

Finally the concept of unconditional love is really the main point of the story. Its soul startling to watch as a beautiful girl learns to love a wrenched beast. Belle first loved her father enough to sacrifice her freedom for his, and that is very admirable. Then as time goes on, in love she forgives the beast, and he learns to love her as well.

We should be careful to make parallels between Christ and a girl in a Disney movie, but in a very small and pale way she was like Him. Belle loved the beast when he was ugly and rough. He was not the man he was made to be, but rather a cruel beast. Like him we too are not the men and women we were first made to be, but are fallen and sinful creatures with no hope of returning to our royal name unless love covers our sin. Like Christ, it was only Belle's love that could break the spell. When she loved him, he was transformed into a prince. When Jesus loves us we are transformed into the Children of God. It's really cool to think about.

Anyways the movie is amazing. I adore it. Most of you are prolly aware of that and have maybe even seen the film with me. Some of you are so obsessed with it yourselves that you have gone to see it in the IMAX with me or something else of that nature. Every little girl likes a love story, but this one is different than any other. This one is a love that transcends beauty, and that is powerful love.

I have had a good morning thus far, but I have things to work on. Have a wonderful week end. Remember to learn to love the beast. You never know you might be ministering to angels unawares. Which reminds me of a totally new point, in the very beginning when the beast turned that beggar woman away, she was sorta like an angel. The Bible says we need to kind to everyone because they might be angels. Anyways, I just thought of that.

"Oh, what manner of love is it that the Father lavished on us, that we should be called the Children of God?"
I John 3:1

Tuesday, January 3

a wonderful God

Here I sit enjoying every moment of this rainy day. Winter Conference was a really great experience. I learned more than I thought possible, and God opened my eyes to things I need to work on in my life. I really loved it.

I have a had a good Christmas break. It's officailly over today even though most of my classes don't start until sometime next week. I am glad that this semester has started, because the more I learn the better. I don't enjoy school as much as I should, by far. I am going to work on being more joyful about life. God is good, and He is my God, what more in the world could I ask for?

A little poem that says something about little me:

God loves me.
My soul is free.
I will cry.
I will die.
These facts I can't deny.

Good is His will,
My heart to fill.
To His promise I cling.
For it means everything.

God is just.
He is my trust.
Content in His ways,
though it can feel like a maze.

He is faithful.
Thank you God. For hearing my prayers.