the coolest partents ever
Ok there are a whole bunch of reasons why I love my parents, and just recently I have realized anew what those are.
Last night after the play, well, Mom told me we pr0lly wouldn't be going out. Anyways, she said to Luke after he asked her "dude, sure, go have a good time. Here some cash." Ok I know it sounds shallow, but my parents are so cool.
Then then, when we got there only the drive-threw was open, and so we ended up coming back to our house to eat out food. Peeps didn't leave until like 12ish.
This morning I had to go to work at 6:30. My alarm fully didn't go off, so at 6:29 I jerked out of bed and ran down stairs. Daddy was gone, and I had to get my mom up. My mom just had surgery this week, and she was willing to get up at an unearthly hour to drive me to work. I love my mom.
Providentially (sp?) Dad drove up right when we were leaving, and so she didn't have to drive me. Dad did.
Well I just got this very inspiring emial, and I think all girls will appresiate it. And perhaps the guys just need to see it to understand:
I haven't posted in ages and I am sorry. I just have had tons to do, and though I have started to post like 5 times in the last couple days, it seems I never write. Anyways.
I don't know, Mom isn't doing too good today. Mrs. Judd says that the third day after surgery is the worst, but the doctors are thinking Mommy won't come home today. We will be alright, it's just that we miss her.
I have school to work on. I just wanted you guys to know that I am still alive, and wanted to update you on Mom and stuff.
Thanks for everything.
"He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deciet within himself:"
Proverbs 26:24
I am here
Yes well our computer had problems since yesterday morning so I have not been able to post, but now I can.
My mom is going to have surgery tomorrow. The doctors still do not know what is wrong but they are going to try to find out by cutting her open tomorrow. Please pray for her still. And I thank you again for all the prayers , they mean a lot.
Well my big week is about to begin. This week is going to just be incredible. I hope I make it, and if I die before I wake... :)
Ok, I need to go, but thank you so much for everything. i have so much school, yes even on Saturdays. I will talk to you all later.
"Do not let your heart envy sinners, but be zealous for the fear of the LORD all day;"
Proverbs 23:17
really quick
I am on my way to get ready for work trianing, and finish stuff due for class. I don't have a whole bunch of time, but I am going to try really hard to get it all done.
Yesterday after practice I was so tried. It was like all the emotion had been squeezed out of me I couldn't even walk. Yeah, well the play will be good, it's just very draining, in a good way I think.
I am going to try to um... what's the word... relax today. A joke I know, but I am going to try. Maybe after I get home from the party tonight I will sit back and read Tale of Two Cities or something.
I dont' know what I would do without coffee. That stuff rocks, I just think we need to take a moment to praise God for coffee.
I am going to post again, so don't worry, you won't miss your Proverb of the day, but I can't right now.
I beg you for prayer, and thank you for them. That is the only thing that is working right now.
update on Bec
Well Bec just got off the phone with Wilson-head. Also known as David for those of you who are not as cool as Bec. She needed to talk to him because he had surgery today. He is ok. Though he feels like his arm is a peice of wood, how strange I know. Anyways Bec had to talk to him about stuff because he wasn't at play practice today, or writing class, and they ended up talking for like and hour and twenty minutes or something obserd like that.
Play practice went well. Bec's lines are doing much much better. I really think she will be able to pull it off, all her 206 lines that is. Though if David isn't there, and Bec's mom doesn't show, which are both possible, then... someone is going to have to be the hero and be Laurie which is David's part, and Mrs. B. is going to have to be the heroen and be the director. Let's all hope for the sake of everyone's sanity that they both are healthy and happy a week from yesterday evening so that they play can go on as planned.
Speaking of Bec's mom, she is really sick. The doctors have done lots and lots of tests, but they don't know what is the matter. She is in a lot of pain, please keep praying. Bec talked to her tonight, and it's just going to be tough if she has to come home in so much pain just because the doctors can't figure out what the matter is. "There is something wrong," Bec just needed to say that.
Well Bec has a paper to do for writing, that one on the Scarlet Letter that is supposed to be 3000 words. Yeah, well we have 897. Sadly we need to work on it some more. Bec and me that is. We also have to read this book called
The Animal Farm. Yeah, Bec hasn't started and a paper is due on that tomorrow. Also one tape which is like 4 hours of work by tomorrow, and we have a final to fill out for Spanish, and 7 Algebra II lessons, and 2 tests, and Economics, and a Chem test to do before class on Tuesday, and the play.
Yeah for those of you who care, Bec won't have time to breath this week. What makes it interesting is that she will be working like... everyday next week on top of school. And, her mom is gone. That is when the story get's messy. Because when Bec's mom is gone, well, there are 10 peeps that need help, and that means well... her help.
We need to thank you for all the help and prayers we have gotten. God really is good, and He is in control, we know that. Bec just has trouble remembering that sometimes. You guys help her remember though.
Coffee is still our companion. It will be tonight. Tomorrow we have to watch the kids until 9, and then Bec has a training session at Chick-Fil-A. yeah, from 10-1. Then she and Luke go straight to class. *sad face on Bec*
Oh, and her Spanish teacher is throwing a party for no reason at her house from 5:30-8:30. Yeah that will fun.
Ok well Bec needs to get back to work, and she needs me. But for lets write this out:
"He who follows righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness and honor."
Proverbs 21:21
an odd picture
She sits here, not knowing where to begin the work that is so overwhelming. Her tangled hair has been resently let down because she can't wear it on top of her head for too long without head/neck aches. She wouldn't put it up there in the first place but Bec just can't handle the spring heat.
An empty Sobe Adrenalin Rush can sits on the desk, just recently finished. Bec has been sipping it all day, but drank about the last third of it just an hour ago. A comb has been set beside the coffee mug. Whenever something takes to long to load up onto the screen she picks up the coffee first, and then the pink comb. (her appearance is not nearly as important as her mood at the moment,) The comb is mostly for comfort, for all you boys who don't know what we are talking about, matted and windblown hair can be almost as rough to the touch as straw.
Bec is a very very moody girl. If any of you have noticed she will do strange things unawares. She was just telling Margs that she had a conversation with her hair. It's true, I was there, Bec was sitting there and all the sudden she was like "hey, you, that hurts my head, stop. Meany!" The hair seemed not to notice her compaints and she had to move it herself, parish the thought.
At the moment Bec misses her mom. It's true, and rather odd, for she is almost 16. Nonetheless she just does.
Well there may be another update on our friend Bec, but for now please just make her all the more happy and comment. She asks you guys to do this a lot I know, but humor her. She has so much to do, and she has so many lines to memorize, and so much school. She loves you all so much she can hardly say it, and you all mean so much to her. The game she started yesterday, it's been all she's been thinking about, I should know, I am her brain.
back in the saddle
Ok well I am going to be up a very long time trying to get as much work done as I can. Though I already sent an email to Mr. P. telling him I wasn't going to be finished with all my work tomorrow. I hope he understands. David said he would, but what does he know, Mr. P. is just his dad.
Well this post isn't going to be interesting. I just haven't been anywhere all day so I am feeling socaily straved. Keep commenting, it is beneficial for everyone.
a really awesome list:
People who have told me they will be praying for us. My mom especailly. Thank you guys so much. I just thought it would be cool to keep track, because then, when God answers as He sees fit, we can all stand back in wonder.
Mrs. Judd (Margaret's Mom)
Mrs. Baumgardner (Jen's Mom)
James (my cousin and pastor)
Uncle Pete
There is plenty of room for those of you who would like to be on the list. Add yourself.
ok I'm posting
Everybody is calling to ask about my mom. Well here is an update. Mommy is in the ER. She got a catscan (don't you dare ask me how you spell that, I am just typing how it sounds) and they were all like "well maybe you don't need surgery." Mom had mixed emotions about that.
Now she is getting this test called an Upper GI. Yes, that is like a throat/tummy thing or something. Anyways I will know within the hour if she is going to be emitted or if she has to come home.
Thanks for prayer. Please keep the game going.
"The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all the inner depths of his heart."
Proverb 20:27
I am posting again... and this day is almost done *sigh*.
Wow, what a day?! I don't know about you guys but this has been a long day. It just didn't seem to go very fast. Anyways, I am ok. Life is going, and God is very good. Prayer is a powerful thing you know.
I am in the middle of working on my paper. Yes, I did start, and it's going. If any of you have any insight on Hester Prynne please let me know.
Tomorrow I am going to get my frist training session at Chick-fil-A. I am looking forward to getting started with this job, so this is good.
Hey, what do you guys say to starting a knew game. This time we shall see how long we can keep it going ok? When you comment you have to say something nice about the person how last commented. Yes, this is like the last game we played, except it is not required to say something nice about me this time. So lets see how long we can keep this up.
"He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, but he who is carless of his ways will die."
Proverbs 19:16
good morning *yawn*
It's interesting how different people look in the morning before any preperation is done. Someday I am going to be smart and roll some tape. You know shoot some film and use it as black mail. The cool thing is that I won't be on the movie if I am the one doing it. My sibs are so funny, and a morning home video would be classic.
I don't think I am going to Chemistry today. I don't feel very well, and more importantly my mother really doesn't feel well. I will have to have Margaret bring me the test so that I can take it at home. Things are kinda hectic around here, and they need me. Also I have that paper to do, and my parents are like "we are way more concerned about that right now." I really am not, but I suppose I should be.
I am going to post again at a later time. My mother wants me to work on chores now, talk to you later.
Monday... again
Hello! I am sitting here thinking about my busy day. Yes you would think that if my day was so busy I wouldn't have time to blog, and this may be true. I just consider blogging as a important aspect of my life.
We have play practice again. It is coming to the final lap. The play is in a week and a half. Need I remind you again:
April 28 Thursday evening 7:00
April 29 Friday evening 7:00
Refreshments will be provided.
You need to come. If I haven't made myself clear enough call me for more details.
Ok well I did get the job at Chick-fil-A. Yes I start training on Wednesday and I start work next week. I will be working a lot next week because I also have to babysit Isaac and Andrew for 2 days. Yes it will be an interesting week. Because Monday is Lukes birthday (he will be 15), the last play practice, and Biblestudy. Tuesday is Beth's birthday (she will be 14), work, Chemistry, and Biblestudy. Wednesday is work with the boys from 6-3, and the dress rehersal. Thursday is Algebra II, work, Economics, and the first play preforamce. Friday is work with Isaac and Andrew, Worldviews, and the final play preforamce. Saturday is workday, maybe a CYPU meeting, and Mr. Pulliam's movie night for writing class. Yes so I have a big week next week. But that is next week not this week. Though this one isn't too small.
Anyways, I will be working on my draft for The Scarlet Letter. That is due this week. We have to write 3000 words. I also have to read this book and write a thing on it, but I will be ok. Tomorrow is a Chem test, *sad face*. But we shall take things one step at a time. I have Spanish homework to do. Tonight is the Father/Daughter banquet. I am fully looking forward to that.
Ok well I will talk to you all later. Have a good week, it was nice knowing you. Ok I can't help myself, I have to pick a couple verses for today. They are all so good:
"A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment."
"The words of a man's mouth are deep waters; the wellspring of widom is a flowing brook."
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."
"The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit?"
"A man who has friends must find himself to be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
Proverbs 18: 1, 4, 10, 14, 24
today... or tomorrow... or yesterday
Ok SONrise really throws you off as far as like time and days go. I am working right now but fir the first time the kids are all asleep. Anna, my little sister is here helping me, she's great.
Surprisingly, I am doing fine. I haven't slept since yesterday afternoon for a breif nap, but you can't really tell. Oddly, this morning at like 7 was much much worse then it is now. Though I am high on caffiene, I am pretty impressed with myself.
Ok so I haven't posted for a couple days, and I am sorry. Last night was fun, for those of you who were there you know what I mean, for those of you who weren't, there is really no way to explain.
Ok I am going to give the Proverb of the day now:
"A man's heart deviseth his way; but the LORD directeth his steps."Proverbs 16:9
I just got back from Algebra II class. I hate algebra. I hate it so much. I don't know why we have to take it in highschool. It should not be required. Anyways, I am ok. Today is yet another busy day. School is going to overtake me, and then I will be a pile of human flesh wasted from too much study. Well now I am going to give you the Proverb of the day and be off. I will try really hard to post agian sometime today, but we shall see.
"He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, but he who is impulsive exaclts folly."
Proverbs 14:29
oh my goodness
Last night we had play practice, and when I got back I was in a tizz. I get so emotionally involved with my part I become emotionally drained. But the adrenoline rush that I get everytime I act stilll pumps strong so I can't sleep for hours even though I am exhausted.
Today is going to be a hard day. I have 3 Algebra tests to get done. I will get them done it will just take me literally all day.
Margs and I had to just cancel tapes. We were going to get together and do them, but it doesn't seem to be working out now. yeah so... I dont' know what is going to happen now.
Anyways, the weather has sorta put a damper on my day. It is cold today, and I just feel like it's so dreary.
Proverb of the day:
"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; bit the sould of th diligent shall be made rich."
Proverbs 13:4
I'm at work
I just made myself some scrambled eggs *ummmmm*. I either crave eggs, or I can't swallow them. Right now there is nothing that sounds better.
Well Isaac is watching a movie and his little brother Andrew is sleeping. I am working on my lines. Yesterday I was horrible. I like forgot half of my lines and Mrs. Magill had to help me so much with promts and stuff. So I am going to really really try to do better tonight.
This afternoon I have Chem, and then right after that we have a three hour long play practice. I really hope we can make it through the whole thing this time. We haven't done that yet.
Ok so I thinkI need a new alarm clock because mine doesn't wake me up anymore. I seriously sleep through it every time. This morning I set it from 6 because I had to be at work at 6:30, and Daddy came in at like 6:15 and was like "BECCA, wake up. We have got to go." I was like so asleep and the alarm was just sitting there going off really loud.
The eggs are good just to let you all know.
So yeah this is going to be quite the week. I just figured out that this weekend is SONrise. Sadly I am going to have to leave early because I am working from 8-3:30, and then from 4-9. Yeah very smart I know. Mom and I were thinking maybe I should change that, but it seems that it's the way it's going to be. I think I will spend my whole paycheck today on caffiene for this week end. SONrise is going to rock though so, I think I will be ok.
I get to wear this hoop-skirt for the play now. I know how fun is that. The new dress I got like 2 weeks ago is too long unless I wear the hoops so it's very exciting.
Well I have tons to do, and I am just sorta rambling now so, I will go.
Proverb of the day (ok I had two today because I couldn't pick between them):
"A fool shows his annoyance a once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.""An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up."Proverbs 12:16, 25
really quick
I don't have time to write a really long post. I am off to Spanish class in a couple hours, and straight from there to play practice. I have a couple tests to take for Spanish, which although they are easy, they take forever to do.
I want to thank everyone who has commented on my blog in the last week. It means a lot have to have you comment, thanks guys.
I just got back from a interview with the Chick-fil-A manager. I think I will get the job. I have to go in again but we shall hope that it's all good and I will be able to work this summer, and maybe for a longer time.
Verse of the day:
"Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight."
Proverbs 11: 1
The Winners:
1. Ellie with 10 comments!!! Congrats, I will be taking you out to lunch in the near future.
2. Valerie came in second with 6.
3. Margaret: 5
4. Bek: 3
5. Alissa: 2
6. Jen
Kate: 2
Charity: 2
1. David with 17 comments! Way to go, I will by giving you a bag of your favorite snack in the near future.
2. Jeremiah came in second with 16. Very very close.
3. Nathaniel with 15 way to go.
4. Steve with 8
5. Lukeee my own brother with 1 comment. *meany*
this evening
I just saw the movie
Finding Neverland. Oh my goodness I cried like more then half the movie. It was just a very touching sort of sad story, and I liked it. Needless to say I am in a very reflective emotional state of mind. Bear with me.
It seems that the race is drawing to a close. Though you all still have a chance. Just post a comment at the end over every post before tomorrow morning and you shall win. Though they do need to be of some substance.
I had a rather full afternoon. I helped my brother with a yard he had commited to raking. I ran home from the job, which looked rather odd because I was in my work clothes; consisting of jeans, t-shirt, and old work shoes. My hair was not pulled back with anything but a peice of faberic, and as I passed all the people, they sorta stared. I didn't mind much, but when I got home I sorta smiled at how odd the scene must have been.
There is much to do, and so little time to get it all done. I dearly wish I would spend my time more wisely. School is such a burden, but it would not be if I found joy in it, and committed myself to my studies with diligence. *sigh* It's so hard being a moody girl, life has so many ups, and so many downs its incredible.
Well I may post once more after my shower and before I go to bed. We shall see. I thank you all for paying more attention to my blog in the last week, it meant alot, though I am aware that there was more instentive then before.
Well I shall see many of you at church tomorrow. To the rest of you I bid a good Lord's day, and a peaceful rest.

Your wise quote is: "Love is life. And if you
miss love, you miss life" by Leo
Buscaglia. Yes, love is indeed what you desire
in your life. If you have it or not is another
matter, but it is in your eyes the most
important feeling.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
the last day...
Well the contest is coming to a close. It will be totally over at exactly 12:00 am my time. So keep commenting this is the final lap!
Here is a quick tally:
Ellie: 8
Valerie: 6
Margaret: 5
Bek: 3
Jen: 2
Kate: 2
Charity: 2
Alissa: 1
Joey: 1
Nathaniel: 11
Jeremiah: 10
David: 6
Steve: 5
Lukeee: 1
I spent last night at Margarets. Savannah Edwards was there, and we had a whole bunch of fun. So yeah, life is good. I washed my hair, so for those of you who wanted to see it, I will have to just put it up like that some other time.
Anyways, right now it is sorta quiet around here. It's a gorgeous day yet again, thank you God, and I am going to spend the afternoon preparing for tonights dinner, tomorrow's lunch, and perhaps running or something.
The Proverb of the day:
"He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, and he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. Do not correct the scoffer, lest he hate you; rebuke the wise man, and he will love you."
Proverbs 9:7-8
The wonders of coffee...
This morning I woke up and I really didn't feel like facing the world. Mom woke us up 1/2 hour earlier then usual, and I had no idea that 30 minutes of sleep effects my day
drasticly! The good thing was that I quickly downed a mug of coffee, and I feel much better. Needless to say, coffee makes me a much better person.
I think I will have a post sometime dedicated to coffee. And have pictures of coffee, and an ode to coffee, and ever comment be about coffee. Until then, I just want you to know that I owe alot to the beverage.
Today will be a beutiful, yet unejoyed day. I will be stuck inside doing school until the end of worldviews class. =( The good thing is that I can try to do some school outside perhaps. We shall see.
Ok well I took my hair down. Now it is like coils of curlly deard-lock-want-to-be's. It think it's really really cool, but then, no one agrees so...
Proverb of the day:
"I, wisdom...
The LORD possessed me at the beginning of His way, Before His works of old. I have been established form everlasting...
Before the mountains were settled,...
When He prepared the heavens, I was there,
When He drew a circle on the face of the deep,
when He etablished the clouds above,...
When He assigned the sea to its limits,...
Then I was beside Him as a master craftsman;
and I was daily His delight, ....
and my delight was with the sons of men.
For whoever finds me finds life,
and obtians favor from the LORD;
But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul;
all those who hate me love death."
Proverbs 8:12-36 (sorta)
Oh my goodness, I have never read this with understanding before! AWESOME!
the evenings events:
Tonight I went to Veritas. Dr. Peter Jones spoke, and it was good. I wore this weird hair though. This afternoon when I was boredly doing tapes alone, I twisted my hair into tight coils, and I don't know, no one liked it but I do and that is what matters.
The Proverb of the day:
"My son keep my words, and truseyre my commands within you."
Proverbs 7:1
I will post the list now. Think about it peeps, we only have 2 more days left. Those of you who want to, better make the move.
Jeremiah: 8
Nathaniel: 7
Steve: 5
David: 5
Like: 1
Margaret: 6
Ellie: 5
Bek: 4
Kate: 2
Jen: 2
Valerie: 2
Alissa: 1
It should be noted that some of you may complain about the numbers. I followed the rules this time. I tallied according to whether they were worthy, whether they were talking about the conest (totally not allowed) etc.
Ok people. Thank you so much for the game, but it's still on. I fully think that we should keep it up for as long as we can. It's great fun. And yes, all those comments count for the contest. I really want to encourage you all to get serious about winning. The prizes are worth your while.
I am going to post again later. I have too much to do right now.
the game is still on... but this is an update on the contest:
Nathaniel: 6
Steve: 4
Jeremiah: 3
David: 3
Luke: 1
Ellie: 4
Bek: 4
Margaret: 3
Charity: 2
Kate: 2
Jen: 2
Valerie: 1
Alissa: 1
Me... ok I do comment on my own blog quite a bit.
Keep it up peeps. The week is drawing to a close, but we still have a couple days left. Every comment counts.
an idea...
Tonight is looking bleak. I am seeing lots of coffee, lots of numbers, lots of papers, and not lots and lots of sleep. I will make it, but comments will make me happier. In fact, you know how I believe that everyone should be happy, well lets try to make me and everyone else happier. So we shall play a game.
To make everyone happier people.
With every comment, the person needs to say something nice about me, and the person that last commented.
If you want to comment two times in a row, say something nice about yourself, that is ok. Just don't make a habit of it.
Agreed this is a dorky game, but I will enjoy my evening much much more, if I can read nice happy thoughts. I will comment too, ideally we will have lots of encouraging comments.
I may even post again tonight. It depands on my mood.
Good Wednesday
I have school rolling. Yes, that is a very good and rare thing. I have 2 Algebra II tests to turn in tomorrow, and so I am in the midst of them. I have to edit all my papers for Mr. P, but I have like only 1 more to write, so this is very very happy. I have tapes to do, of course. Margs and David are coming over to do them with me... again. I know, you would think that we wouldn't have to do 9 hours of tapes plus 1/4 of the book A Tale of Two Cities, but it seems that Mr. Quine, the author of my World Views book, thinks we are all super human.
I am going to get all my lines totally down by tomorrow afternoon. I am going to go over and over them. I also want to run, and I have to finish all school. I may squeeze food in somewhere, but that is my plan for the day. Oh, and I want to clean my room, actually Mom wants me to clean my room.
I have a question, do you think that people can want to do the right thing for the right reason, without God? I was thinking about this, and even with God, I don't do the right thing for the right reason like 99% of the time. There is always other reasons. Anyways, that is my deep thought for the day.
Proverb of the day:
"Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the wummer, and gathers her food in the harvest. How long will you slumber, o sluggard? When will you rise from you sleep?"
Proverbs 6:6-9
This is inspiring. See, the ant is like us. If we are willing to give up fun now, if we are willing to put our minds and bodies to work, and master the invaluable gift of self disapline, we will prosper. In the long hard winters of life, we will be full. For now I am living my youthful summer, but I will not waste it. I will work. Yes, I can enjoy life, and with God I must, but I will not be sluggish, for that will not porsper me, nor God.
So be encouraged. School is God's plan, and He will bless those who are faithful.
it's better!
Life has been treating me good today. I had a wonderful evening. I got back from running like an hour ago. I was able to rewrite a paper that I have been saying I would do forever. I am in the midst of working on an outline for my Scartlet Letter paper. Anyways, the point is that although I have lots of school to do, I am doing ok. In fact I am happy. I think it's all the water I have been drinking.
The Contest: [people who have commented at least more then one time on my blog: daughteroftheKing]
Ellie: 3
Bek: 2
Jeremiah: 4
Steve: 2
Nathaniel: 2
Keep it up people!
It is another beautiful day
Well I don't have Chemistry today. Which is very very very good. I mean I don't mind the class too much, but it's really great to have a break. I do have a couple Algebra tests to do, and a whole bunch of papers to write.
This afternoon guess what I am doing?! TAPES. *'dan dan da dan' scary music*. Happily we are yet again getting together to do them at Margaret's. I am very glad that I don't have to bear them alone. Though, it does go much faster when I am by myself.
I love sun. I had no idea how much until last week. The sun just reminds me of how much God loves me. Which is a very good reason for me to like the sun. Oddly though, the rain makes me feel better too. I really could be happy in most any climate, but for now I am content with mine.
Ok so now I am holding Kez. She loves to sit here and watch me type. Though she likes to make her own additions to my post, and as cute as that is, I don't think you would understand.
Yes well, as far as the day goes I am wearing my new shirt that I got at the thrift store last Saturday. It is blue and it says "
Camp Redwood Get Lost in the Woods Hollisten, California". Needless to say I like it.
Ok so I am going to get off now. Have a great day people. Oh yes I need to find a Proverb, one moment:
"For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He ponders all his paths."
Proverbs 5:21
the contest...
With the new rule I am finding myself to be in the lead of my own contest. I have high hopes in you all though, someone is going to step up, someone is going to be my new best friend. I am really just kidding about all that though. I really just want more comments, more dicussion you know. So I thought I could help people be motivated to comment by having a contest with winners and such. Anyways, I just watched this very sad movie called Ladder 49. It's about firefighters, and it is very good, very sad. I cried, but then, I cry in about 75% of the movies I see these days. I don't watch movies much actually. When I do, I am such an emotional freak anyway, that I just cry. I don't care who is there. I guess I see it as an emotional out, like if I can't cry about life, I can cry about a movie, and it will be better in the end. Anyways, David says I ramble. Steve says I am trying to buy friendship. Jeremiah says that I don't care about my own comments. Bekah says that I never read anyone elses blog. Nathaniel says I write long posts. And Ellies says she "luvs me". I couldn't be happier. Well, you guys keep it up. I am intested to see who the winners will be.
good day!
Well today is like sorta a spring break for me. That is that the class I have today is not happening. Fully rocks. Though we still have play practice which takes up my whole afternoon. We shall hope that that goes well. I think it will.
Ok I am going to have a contest. The person that comments the most on my blog will win. Now I am talking about real comments. Not "I am commenting" comments. I am speaking of meaningful and insightful comments, that I never get, ok I get
very rarely. I will post interesting things, and you can try to win. If anyone says anything about the contest from now until this Saturday night, you loose.
The winner will be my new best friend. Ok not really but I will love you extra specail. Actually, I will buy you a very nice present and spend time thanking you and praising you for your effort on my blog this Sunday.
Ok well there isn't much to say, except that no one EVER comments on my
picture blog! But I will have to get over that. *tear drop* Perhaps those will be extra credit, no wiat, I think that blog counts too, so I will tally up those comments as well.
You all
must come to our play, if you are not already in it. Our first performance is April 28, and our second and last one is Friday the 29. I am not sure if people are allowed to come to the dress rehersal on Wednesday, but I will ask my Mom and get back with you.
Oh, I just had a thought, I think I will have a male and a female winner for my blog comment contest. The girl will win a free lunch with me sometime in the near future, and the guy... won't win a free lunch... but the prize will be cool. Maybe like a huge bag of his favorite snack or something like that. Anyways.
I think I need to go take a shower, first I may run, but I don't know what I am doing. I would go send a couple emails except that no one emails me anymore. I sent a personality test thing to like 50 people, but none of them has sent it back *glaring eyes*. That's ok, I guess that means they have more of a life then me, and that they don't love me, and I guess that is ok.
Alright this blog post is getting longer then intended. I will pick a Proverb of the day:
"Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."
Proverbs 4:23
This verse is so practical and so hard. Daddy just talked with me about it, and I am so happy that my parents and that God care about my heart. Because it is true, out of my heart comes my moods, all the issues of my life, and everything really. God was very wise to include this command in His word. So yeah anyways.
I just posted on my other blog:
becca's picturebut that doesn't mean that you shouldn't comment on my post below. =)
I just took a run...
Ok for all of you who are sitting at your computers on this
gorgeous day, please get up and enjoy God. Hey, I just ran like... ok not very much, but it was a lot for me, and then I got on my brother's mountain bike and just road for a long time. It felt wonderful. The wind... *deep breath*.
Ok so tomorrow is worship and I am so ready to come before the presense of God with His people. *big smile*. I can't wait to see you all at church, and I think I will come up to each and very one of you and give you a big hug and huge smile, and talk about how wonderful God is. If we did that, it would be like a taste of heaven. I think I will. *can't stop smiling*.
Ok so I may sound cheesy but I can't help it. It is going to be a trying week... but we will make it through, me and Jesus Christ in me. As I think about school this week this is going to be my outlook:
"When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you, to deliver you from the way of evil..."
Proverbs 2:10-12
Think about it, maybe I should have a Proverbs 2 club, and we'll encourage eachother to do well is school for God and through God.
life is beautiful...
Life is like my baby sister... complex when you think to hard about the subject, but when you just observe life... when you just breath and do, life is beautiful. Too many things hurt us, too many things are out to get us, too many things hate us... but think on this, we have God, GOD on our side!!! Who could possibly want more?! He
loves us, and
He cares about us, and He wants the best for
us. I mean, when I think about that, my mind is just blown away and how dare I say that I am in a "bad mood", or am having a "hard day". He wants me to love, and that is what I am going to do.
I love you guys.
"My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother; For they will be a graceful ornament on your head, and chains about your neck."
Proverbs 1:8-9